Best viewed on a desktop computer
The Phokus Archives is an online interactive project begun in 2010, around the same time that the Land of Technology photographs were taken. The two projects soon became inseparable, often overlapping and informing each other’s design and direction until their completion in 2014. 
The intention was to create a futuristic image data-bank device that would not only display the photographs along with detailed photo meta-data, but would also pay homage to the electronic gadgets and technology from the era that had originally inspired Land of Technology’s  inception. 
Born in the 80s and a teenager at the turn of the millennium, the technology of the era grew and evolved alongside me. Video game graphics were constantly improving, cassette-loaded games for 8-bit home computers evolved into 16-bit cartridge-based games consoles, then 32-bit, 64-bit, and so on. Computer processing power, along with the speed and scope of the internet, was forever increasing. Camera and audio devices were converting from analogue to digital based media technologies. Compact discs and MiniDiscs were replacing floppy disks and audio cassettes. The technology was always moving forward, and yesterday’s tech was constantly being updated or replaced. 
The Phokus Archives is a fusion of the forgotten technology from this era, a nostalgic hark back to everything from VHS cassettes, Sony Walkman, Casio digital calculator watches, to Panasonic camcorders, Sega video games, and Canon SLR cameras. The product design of these old analogue devices and their later digital replacements, all captured my imagination and inspired the concept of the Phokus Archives. 
Using Photoshop, I mixed elements from these electronic devices and video games, then assembled them together to create an original hybrid camera-computer device complete with its own original hardware and software.  I used buttons from game control pads, switches from synthesisers, power lights from battery packs, LED displays and viewfinder targets from DSLRs, video-game menu interfaces, computer components, camera lenses, aperture dials, focussing rings… anything that reminded me of this magical technological era from my past.
Phokus Archivesは、Land of Technologyの撮影をスタートさせた2010年に制作を開始した、オンライン上のインタラクティブプロジェクトです。この二つはとても近い位置にあり、2014年に完成するまでしばしば重なり合い、そして互いのデザインや方向性に刺激を与え合ってきました。 
私はこのプロジェクトで、写真やそれに関する詳細なデータを表示するだけでなく、Land of Technologyが生まれるきっかけとなったその時代の電子機器や技術へのオマージュの意味を込めた、未来的なデータバンク装置を作りたいと思いました。 
Phokus Archivesは、VHS、ソニーのウォークマン、カシオの電卓時計、パナソニックのビデオカメラ、セガのビデオゲーム、キャノンの一眼レフカメラのような、この時代に忘れ去られたテクノロジーを融合させたものです。これらの古いアナログ機器のプロダクトデザインと、それに取って変わったデジタル機器のデザインは私の想像を掻き立て、Phokus Archivesのコンセプトの元になりました。 
The Phokus Archives software runs on iMac computers at exhibitions and also features as a part of Portal
The Phokus Archives @ Konica Minolta Plaza, Tokyo
The Phokus Archives @ Konica Minolta Plaza, Tokyo
The Phokus Archives @ Motoazabu Gallery, Saku City
The Phokus Archives @ Motoazabu Gallery, Saku City
The Phokus Archives @ Light House, Nagano
The Phokus Archives @ Light House, Nagano
The Made in Japan gadget selection expo that inspired The Phokus Archives and Portal
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
Made in Japan @ Light House, Nagano
The Phokus Archives enshrined inside of Portal @ Komoro Kogen Museum of Art
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